The Capital Campaign Committee would like to thank the more than 600 people who attended the BACS Community Picnic and fundraiser. With their help we were able to raise over $16,000 for our new school building! Much appreciation to the Bryn Athyn and Huntingdon Valley Fire Companies for helping make the golf ball drop a huge success. We raised over $1,800 in this activity alone. Due to rain, the decision was made to move most of the activities indoors but the weather cleared at the last minute and we were able to hold parts of the event outside. This decision ended up bringing people together in a way we haven’t seen in a number of years and the sense of community could really be felt! Thank you to everyone who came out in support of this project, especially the planning team and the many volunteers who made all of this possible!
The Building Committee would like to send a wholehearted THANK YOU to everyone who attended the BACS Community Picnic in support of the new building. It was so wonderful to see so many students, parents, alumni, and friends of the school all gathered in one place. While the theme of the picnic and campaign is "Building for the Community,” I think the picnic also served in "Building the Community'' itself. The success with the picnic has inspired the committee to continue in its efforts to develop the new building and see it through to completion. Thank you as well to Emily Hasen, Diana Mergen, Owen Frazier, and all of the other volunteers who helped put the picnic together. Well done! ~ Reuben Mergen, Chair