Young Children’s Service

Young Children's Service - Overview

Welcome to the page for the Young Children's Service. We'd love to have you join us for a worship service. Here's what you can find on this page:

October 27, 2024 - "Sing a New Song"
Rev. Malcolm G. Smith

This Sunday we will be talking about singing—the challenge of learning a new song, the joy of singing with other people, and all people and all things singing together to the Lord our God.
NOTE: BACS 1st and 2nd graders will be singing at this service.

About Young Children's Service


The service begins at 9:30am and lasts for 15 to 20 minutes. After the service there is time for fellowship and some simple snacks (clementines and gluten-free pretzels). At about 10:00am, people will need to start setting up the undercroft for the Informal Family Service. You are welcome to stick around and sing some songs with the Informal Family Service band, or to head upstairs to the Ezekiel Tower to keep hanging out there, or to head through the cathedral to the social hall where you can have some more refreshments and social time with the people who just came out of the Family Cathedral Service at about 10am.


The Young Children's Service happens in the Bryn Athyn Cathedral undercroft (or outside the undercroft when the weather is nice). The undercroft is at the south end of the cathedral, on the lower level (below the Council Chamber). The entrance is through the door in the archway under the Ezekiel Tower.

Exterior View of the Undercroft (click the image to view a larger version)

Interior View of the Undercroft (click the image to view a larger version)


Parking Options for Undercroft (click the image to view a larger version)

The best place to park is on Quarry Road below the cathedral and walk up from there. (The green route on the map.) You are only allowed to park across the road from the cathedral, perpendicular to the road. And you are only allowed to park here on Sunday morning.

The next best place to park is in the upper lot between the cathedral and Cairnwood Estate. Then cross the road and walk around the east side of the cathedral. (The yellow route on the map.) The entrance to this lot is opposite the main entrance to the cathedral.

You can also park in the main lower lot and then walk around the west side of the building. The downside to this choice is that there may be less spots available because of people parking there to attend other services. (The purple route on the map.)

If you need handicapped parking, you can use the driveway off of Alnwick Road and drive right up next to the undercroft and then walk in through the big wooden doors at the end of the room. (The teal route on the map.)


This service has three, simple, young-children-friendly worship songs, led by one or a few musicians. Sometimes piano students will take a turn accompanying the singing. Get in touch with Graham Bier ( if you'd like to get involved.

How to Get Involved

There are a bunch of different ways that you can help support the Young Children's Service: helping set up, greeting, bringing refreshments, bringing a project for the kids to do, music, or contributing financially. Please contact Nina Dewees ( to discuss how you'd like to get involved.

Stay Up to Date With What's Going on at the Young Children's Service

The best way to stay up to date is to join the email list for the Young Children's Service. We generally send an email about once a week.

You can also request to join the Young Children's Service Facebook group.