Welcome to the Bryn Athyn Community Calendar
This community calendar is run by the Bryn Athyn Church to help people know what all is going on in Bryn Athyn on a particular day.
Click the links or scroll down to the bottom of the page if you have questions about how to use the calendar, have questions about specific events, or want to add something to this calendar.

- This event has passed.
Dads Group – “Building a Ladder from Childhood to Adulthood” – Early Morning Slot
October 9, 2024 @ 6:45 am - 8:15 am
Want to be more intentional in the way you approach being a dad? Want to have the chance to get to know some other dads? Want to be exposed to different ideas about parenthood and have the chance to discuss them? How do you make all these things happen in one magical place? Dads Group.
Topic for This Month: “Building a Ladder from Childhood to Adulthood.”
This title is taken from a short section in Jonathan Haidt’s popular book, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness. Haidt’s condemnation of giving children access to smartphones and social media at too young an age has received most of the attention but his thesis about what’s causing problems for children really has two parts. He writes, “The Great Rewiring is not just about changes in the technologies that shape children’s days and minds. There’s a second plotline here: the well-intentioned and disastrous shift toward overprotecting children and restricting their autonomy in the real world.” It’s that second part that I want to discuss with you at our Dads Groups in October.
Haidt has lots to say on this topic but, as one way of coming at this topic, I want us to discuss his sketch of how we might give kids greater responsibilities and autonomy every two years. You can read that excerpt from his book here: “Building a Ladder from Childhood to Adulthood – The Anxious Generation” (PDF). How do you think we should build a ladder from childhood to adulthood for our kids? Let’s discuss.
Timing & Locations
Each month there will be a new topic and 2 possible times to meet. This is the early morning slot that takes place on a Wednesday from 6:45-8:15am in the Bryn Athyn Scout Building. There’s also an evening slot that takes place on a Thursday from 7:30-9:00 pm in the Bryn Athyn Church Office Board Room.
Get Updates
Sign up to receive emails and/or texts about Dads Group here.
More details at brynathynchurch.org/dads Any questions? Email Malcolm at malcolm.smith@brynathynchurch.org
Related Events
Using the Calendar
It Will Display Differently on Your Phone
Some of the features of this calendar only work when viewing on a bigger screen. If you’re on a phone, look for these icons to search and change your view.
When you tap on the magnifying glass, a search box will appear below the color-coded categories. Use the icon on the right to change between month and list views. List view is recommended for mobile use.
The Reset Calendar Button Is Your Friend
If the calendar is behaving strangely, start over again by clicking Reset Calendar. It’s at the end of the color-coded categories.
Click on an Event for More Information
Many events have more details than will display at first. On a computer you can hold your mouse over an event title to see a summary of the description. On a computer or a phone, if you click the title of the event it will display more information, often including links to the full details for the event – the location, the cost of the event, where to buy tickets, etc.
There’s a search box that you can use to search for when specific events are (e.g. you could search for Community Worship to know when the next Community Worship services are). It doesn’t work to search for a specific date to see what’s happening on that date. After you search, make sure that you’re in List View to see events from more than the current month.
Go to a Specific Date
To jump to a specific date, click the ⌄ next to today’s date and select the date or month you want to go to.
See Only Events from Certain Calendars
If you click one of the color-coded category labels, it will show you only events for that institution. (You may want to switch to List view to see events for more than the current month.)
On the left-hand side, under Filters, click the + next to Select Calendars to View and then click the checkboxes for which institutions you would like to see events from. This doesn’t seem to be working in mobile view at the moment.
Other Notes
This is kind of clunky
Yup. This calendar isn’t as good-looking or user-friendly as it could be but we decided to make it available to you anyway, before we have all the bugs worked out. If you might be able to help make it work better, please get in touch (malcolm.smith@brynathynchurch.org).
Want to Add Something to the Calendar?
Before you contact us to add something to the calendar, please read these notes:
- This calendar is for events happening in the 19009 zip code and generally for events at least somewhat associated with the Bryn Athyn Church or General Church.
- This calendar is for events that are relevant to a large group of people. We are not, for example, including the complete ANC Secondary Schools and Bryn Athyn College athletics calendars in this community calendar because all of those games would not be relevant to a large enough group of people. (You can, however, find links to those calendars below.)
- We reserve the right to remove your event or not add your event to the calendar.
- Rather than adding your events manually we would prefer you to set up a digital calendar and then send us the feed from it so that we can add your events automatically.
More questions? Get in touch with Malcolm (malcolm.smith@brynathynchurch.org)
Have Questions About Specific Events? Don’t Ask Us
We are pulling in digital calendars from a variety of institutions. If you have questions about a particular event, please contact the institution who is putting that event on (see below). Bryn Athyn Church staff will not be able to answer your questions.
ANC Secondary Schools
Go to ancss.org, call 267-502-2500, or find their complete academic, athletic, social, and performing arts calendars here.
Bryn Athyn Borough
Go to brynathynboro.org or visit their Facebook page.
(BACS) Bryn Athyn Church School
Go to brynathynchurchschool.org or call (215) 947-4086.
Bryn Athyn College
Find calendars of Bryn Athyn College events here.
Bryn Athyn Church
Check the homepage, call (215) 947-6225, or email info@brynathynchurch.org.
C & S Club (Bryn Athyn Civic and Social Club)
Check their Facebook page.
Cairnwood Estate
Go to cairnwood.org, call (215) 947-2004, or email info@cairnwood.org.
Cairnwood Village
Call (215) 947-7705, email cairnwood.village.manager@gmail.com, or go to cairnwoodvillage.org.
Glencairn Museum
Go to glencairnmuseum.org, call (267) 502-2600, or email info@glencairnmuseum.org.
Junge Pavilion / Ice Rink
Go to their page on the Bryn Athyn College website or visit their Facebook page.
Mitchell Performing Arts Center
Go to mitchellcenter.info, call (267) 502-2793, or see their complete rehearsal calendar.
NewChurch Live
Go to newchurchlive.tv or call (215) 947-2166.
These events come from a variety of places. Click on the title for the individual event to learn more. To find out more about Bryn Athyn Boy Scout Troop 97 events go to batroop97.org