Informal Family Service - Overview
Welcome to the page for the Informal Family Service. We'd love to have you join us for a worship service. Here's what you can find on this page:
- details about the next service or the most recent service (we usually update this midweek) - including links to watch the live stream, download the worship program, and join the discussion on Zoom after the service
- information about the Informal Family Service (timing, location, parking, music)
- next steps for how to get involved in helping make this service happen
- information about how to stay up-to-date on what's happening at the Informal Family Service
- links to watch or listen to past services
You can watch the service using the video above or go to BoxCast to access the video directly and view past services.
March 30, 2025 - Rev. Coleman S. Glenn
"The Light of the World"
Jesus said to His followers, “You are the light of the world” (Matthew 5:14). And He said of Himself, “I am the Light of the world” (John 8:12). Both are true, of course. How can we reflect the Lord’s light into the world, so that others may see that light and glorify Him?
Zoom Discussion
Join Our Sunday Zoom Conversation, every Sunday at 11:30am Eastern time. (Note: This is half an hour later than it used to be.) Join the meeting.
About Informal Family Service
We recommend aiming to be parking around 10:10 am, giving you 5 minutes to walk from your car to the undercroft where, at 10:15, we begin with 10 minutes of music. At 10:25 there is a welcome and opening prayer. Then there is an interactive talk involving readings from the Bible and the teachings of the New Church for about half an hour. At about 10:55 the children will be invited to go up to the Ezekiel Tower for some refreshments. Then there will be about 10 minutes of discussion of the service with the adults (and any children that choose to stay for it). Following that the service will close and there will be time for refreshments and fellowship in the undercroft.
As of January 2024, the Informal Family Service happens in the Bryn Athyn Cathedral undercroft. The undercroft is at the south end of the cathedral, on the lower level (below the Council Chamber). The entrance is through the door in the archway under the Ezekiel Tower.
The best place to park is on Quarry Road below the cathedral and walk up from there. (The green route on the map.) You are only allowed to park across the road from the cathedral, perpendicular to the road. And you are only allowed to park here on Sunday morning.
The next best place to park is in the upper lot between the cathedral and Cairnwood Estate. Then cross the road and walk around the east side of the cathedral. (The yellow route on the map.) The entrance to this lot is opposite the main entrance to the cathedral.
You can also park in the main lower lot and then walk around the west side of the building. The downside to this choice is that there may be less spots available because of people parking there to attend other services. (The purple route on the map.)
If you need handicapped parking, you can use the driveway off of Alnwick Road and drive right up next to the undercroft and then walk in through the big wooden doors at the end of the room. (The teal route on the map.)
This service features Contemporary Christian music led by a varying team of musicians often including guitar, piano, and bass. On a given Sunday, most or all of the music is sing-along. Get in touch with Graham Bier ( if you'd like to get involved.
How to Get Involved
There are a bunch of different ways that you can help support the Informal Family Service: participating in the weekly planning meeting on Zoom, helping on Sunday (greeting, refreshments, set up or clean up, acting, music, etc.), or contributing financially. Please contact Nina Dewees ( to discuss how you'd like to get involved.
Planning Meetings
Our weekly planning meetings are held every Tuesday morning at 10:00 on Zoom meeting. In these meetings, you would have a chance to help the minister prepare for the Sunday service by discussing the Biblical story and the doctrine, and then brainstorming examples, stories, applications, and relevant music choices, as well as discussing ways to reach all age groups, and planning for the activity or process.
Stay Up to Date With What's Going on for the Informal Family Service
The best way to stay up to date is to join the email list for the Informal Family Service. We generally send an email about once a week.
You can also request to join the Informal Family Service Facebook group.