The Next Service is Sunday, January 26, 2025, 10:00 am at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral
Rev. Derek Elphick – "Come and See"
We’re not very good predictors of the future and yet this doesn’t stop us from trying. Our predictions about the future tend to limit God’s capabilities which means we tend to anticipate “sameness” in our relationships and work, and in our sense of purpose and direction. We see this mindset in the brand-new disciple, Nathaniel, who, being invited by fellow disciple Philip to come see Jesus of Nazareth says, “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?” to which Philip replies, “Come and see” (John 1:46). Nathaniel did “come and see” and his life unfolded in a way he could never have predicted.
NOTE: There will be no Informal, Young Children's, Family, or Adult Service on this date.
Two hymns this Sunday 833 "Roll Out" and 859 "Guide Me" are available on our YouTube music channel. Visit and find the video that suits your vocal range if you'd like to learn or build confidence with a harmony part and better enjoy them in worship this Sunday.
Zoom Discussion
Please join us on Zoom for an online small-group discussion of this Sunday’s Community Worship Service. This discussion is hosted by the team that regularly meets on Sundays to discuss the Informal Family Service. Feel free to join this meeting at any time between 11:30 and 12:30 on Sunday. All are welcome.
Join the meeting or use meeting ID: 88119217055.
About Community Worship Services
- There's just one service.
- The service starts at 10:00 am. You might want to come a bit earlier to find parking and a seat.
- After the opening part of the service the children will be invited to come and sit in the front for a children's talk.
- After that the children will go to the south end of the building to choose from a variety of supervised children's activities including listening to a story, doing crafts, playing with toys, playing with balls outside, or going on a scavenger hunt (more details below).
- If your child is 5 or older, you can leave them in the Council Chamber and rejoin the service for the adult portion. You can drop them off or they can go on their own but please ask your children to wait for you to collect them at the end of the service.
- If your child is younger than 5, they can participate in the activities if you (or another responsible family member) stay with them.
- After the service, please collect your children from the Council Chamber and join us for refreshments in the Social Hall, outside the cloister, or by the porte cochère. The refreshments are great at Community Worship Services.
Upcoming Community Worship Service Dates
Check out the Community Calendar for more on upcoming services and events.
How to Get Involved
This service will have many opportunities to get involved in helping to make it a rich community worship experience. Here are some of the areas we will need help with:
- Greeters – helping people find what they are looking for
- Refreshment contributions, set-up and clean-up
- Supervisors and assistants for children’s’ activity “stations” – mixed ages
- Art/craft projects leadership, set-up and clean-up
- Discussion leaders
- Families to help with chancel set-up, ushering, etc.
Please contact Nina at or 215-947-6225 ext.206 to learn more and describe where you would most like to volunteer.
We look forward to how this new church service will blossom into worship that will serve many people together.