Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Welcome to the Bryn Athyn Community Calendar

This community calendar is run by the Bryn Athyn Church to help people know what all is going on in Bryn Athyn on a particular day.

Click the links or scroll down to the bottom of the page if you have questions about how to use the calendar, have questions about specific events, or want to add something to this calendar.


NCL Service: Why Is Hell Hell?

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Self love has two sides.  One is positive as we come to humbly see ourselves as beloved by God and able to serve where we are called.  The other is negative - a selfishness that is self aggrandizing, manipulative, and corrupting.  The former makes heaven heaven.  The latter makes hell hell.

NCL Service: Why Is Heaven Heaven?

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

What we think about heaven should create a beautiful image in our minds that we can move our lives towards. It’s not only something we move our lives towards but something we can embed our lives in right here and right now.

NCL Service: Bending Without Breaking: God’s Gentle Touch

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

As the new year approaches, we shift towards thoughts around ways in which we want the new year to be different.  Important to remember that God bends but doesn't break - that he gently moves us towards a life that is incrementally better - more of an evolution than a revolution. That approach requires patience, hope, and […]

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NCL Service: Christmas Eve: A Weary World Rejoices

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Join us for a special live evening service as we celebrate the birth of Jesus. In a world that feels weary, let’s join together in the Christmas spirit this Christmas Eve.

NCL Service: Surprised That It Is All True

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

We reach for hope and joy, yearning for the biggest of stories to be true. And then we discover—it is true! But even more, it is a living truth, one that unfolds within us as we receive the Lord’s love and wisdom, just as heaven opens through the story of His birth. In that moment, […]

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NCL Service: Surprised by Joy

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

The story of Christmas offers themes of life appearing one way, only to be lovingly interrupted by Divine providence time and again. This is Mary’s story—a call to align human expectations with the higher, often hidden purposes of God. On a smaller scale, it reflects our lives, where interruptions are not obstacles but opportunities for […]

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NCL Service: Surprised by Hope

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

The Christmas story should surprise us again and again … because we need to be surprised! We get stuck in ruts and routines and along comes the Advent season, a season of new beginnings and surprises.12/8/24

NCL Service: Echoes of Hope

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

As we enter this holiday season, let’s take a minute to think about the repetition, the rituals, the connections and why we repeat them every year. What are the echoes of hope that we hear every Christmas?12/1/24

NCL Service: Celebrating Goodness

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

As we prepare for Thanksgiving, lets focus this year on seeing not just the potential in others but more importantly the unshakeable goodness we all share. 

NCL Service: Don’t Let This Election Make You Hate People

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

On the heels of one of the most contentious elections in U.S. history, don't forget that we've got explicit commands from God to not harbor and nurture enmity for each other. Though we may not agree on the issues, we'll look at the way we're all put by God onto team "love one another."

NCL Service: God Already Forgave You (now here’s what to do next)

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

God is sometimes depicted as punitive and judgemental, but that couldn't be further from the truth. However, there is still important work for us to do in ridding ourselves of destructive thoughts, intentions, and behaviors.

NCL Service: The 13th Disciple

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Most Christians know Jesus had 12 close followers, often called the 12 disciples. But what about the significance of the 13th disciple?This figure symbolizes the often unrecognized individuals who play crucial roles in our spiritual journeys, reminding us of the transformative impact of those who serve behind the scenes.It’s learning one of the biggest promotions […]

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NCL Service: Bridging the Divide: A Humble Offer of Friendship

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

A profound theme of friendship grows through our years as we walk with God. God extends the beautiful gift of companionship to us, urging us to embrace humility and connection in our relationships with Him and others, mirroring in our own imperfect ways exactly what He is doing with us.10/13/24

NCL Service: How to Find Heavenly Peace

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

There's a profound state of contentment and joy called "heavenly peace." Join us this week as we talk about what it is and how we can find it for ourselves. With Curtis Childs.

NCL Service: Your Best Note

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

We all have a central set of “notes” where we can sing well. A beautiful metaphor for life where we come to discover our best “note” and then work to expand our range from there into areas of growth and change.

NCL Service: Finding Strength in Unexpected Places

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

In a world filled with uncertainty and challenges, we often seek strength in familiar places—our routines, relationships, and achievements. However sometimes life gets in way, throwing us unexpected challenged and helping us to find strength in unexpected places.Join Kayne Lermitte and Pastor Chuck as we look at the themes of hope, perseverance, and Divine Providence. Together, […]

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NCL Service: When the Bottom Falls Out

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

At some point in our lives, the bottom will fall out.  When the bottom falls out the voices of despair, shame, and fear run riot.  But the voices do not have the last word. Love and connection do.

NCL Service: Facing the Chatter the Defeats Us

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Our minds often fill with chatter of all types. How might we still the noise so we can better discern the greater call of God and the greater longings of our heart?8/25/24

NCL Service: Be Humble, Be Useful, Be Happy

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

No matter what your life situation is, there are always three things you can do to make it better: be humble, be useful, be happy. We'll look at how the Lord is calling us to these things, and how they unlock the secrets of life.

NCL Service: Celebration, Gentleness, Gratitude, and Trust

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Many consider Philippians 4 to include one of the most beautiful lines in all of scripture.  It reads, "Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice!  Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.  Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with […]

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NCL Service: What is the Imperfection Jesus Calls Us To?

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Often we imagine what God is calling us to is a life of rigid perfection. But what if that was not true? What if God was calling us to the imperfect life, a life that could hold both the good and the bad together and continue to work humbly every day to add more kindness to the […]

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NCL Service: From Nervous to Centered

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

The book of Philippians is a fascinating section from the Bible.  Written by Paul while he was imprisoned, it offers clear directions around navigating life in the face of challenges.  How do we move from being pushed around by nervous reactions and instead learn to step forward, driven by deeply embedded ideals?

NCL Service: Hope In Uncertain Times

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

As our journeys take us though episodes of challenge, Hope may be the best medicine but often the most elusive.   Join New Church Live for an exploration of how we face the broken times, seek to sooth the unknown and anxious moments, and find hope and light amongst the noise.   We hope you will be […]

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NCL Service: Was Jesus Happy?

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Was Jesus happy?  At times clearly yes.  At other times clearly no.  His life like ours played out between the two poles of happiness and sorrow.  And the Lord gives a lesson there.. that sorrow and joy are part of loving.

Do You Need Church to Find God?

Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Is being in a church essential to your salvation? Or is it just a waste of time? We'll explore what a church can and can't do for you and how under the right conditions, it can supercharge your spiritual life.

Using the Calendar

It Will Display Differently on Your Phone

Some of the features of this calendar only work when viewing on a bigger screen. If you’re on a phone, look for these icons to search and change your view.

When you tap on the magnifying glass, a search box will appear below the color-coded categories. Use the icon on the right to change between month and list views. List view is recommended for mobile use.


The Reset Calendar Button Is Your Friend

If the calendar is behaving strangely, start over again by clicking Reset Calendar. It’s at the end of the color-coded categories.


Click on an Event for More Information

Many events have more details than will display at first. On a computer you can hold your mouse over an event title to see a summary of the description. On a computer or a phone, if you click the title of the event it will display more information, often including links to the full details for the event – the location, the cost of the event, where to buy tickets, etc.



There’s a search box that you can use to search for when specific events are (e.g. you could search for Community Worship to know when the next Community Worship services are). It doesn’t work to search for a specific date to see what’s happening on that date. After you search, make sure that you’re in List View to see events from more than the current month.


Go to a Specific Date

To jump to a specific date, click the ⌄ next to today’s date and select the date or month you want to go to.


See Only Events from Certain Calendars

If you click one of the color-coded category labels, it will show you only events for that institution. (You may want to switch to List view to see events for more than the current month.)

On the left-hand side, under Filters, click the + next to Select Calendars to View and then click the checkboxes for which institutions you would like to see events from. This doesn’t seem to be working in mobile view at the moment.


Other Notes

This is kind of clunky

Yup. This calendar isn’t as good-looking or user-friendly as it could be but we decided to make it available to you anyway, before we have all the bugs worked out. If you might be able to help make it work better, please get in touch (


Want to Add Something to the Calendar?

Before you contact us to add something to the calendar, please read these notes:

  • This calendar is for events happening in the 19009 zip code and generally for events at least somewhat associated with the Bryn Athyn Church or General Church.
  • This calendar is for events that are relevant to a large group of people. We are not, for example, including the complete ANC Secondary Schools and Bryn Athyn College athletics calendars in this community calendar because all of those games would not be relevant to a large enough group of people. (You can, however, find links to those calendars below.)
  • We reserve the right to remove your event or not add your event to the calendar.
  • Rather than adding your events manually we would prefer you to set up a digital calendar and then send us the feed from it so that we can add your events automatically.

More questions? Get in touch with Malcolm (


Have Questions About Specific Events? Don’t Ask Us

We are pulling in digital calendars from a variety of institutions. If you have questions about a particular event, please contact the institution who is putting that event on (see below). Bryn Athyn Church staff will not be able to answer your questions.


ANC Secondary Schools

Go to, call 267-502-2500, or find their complete academic, athletic, social, and performing arts calendars here.


Bryn Athyn Borough

Go to or visit their Facebook page.


(BACS) Bryn Athyn Church School

Go to or call (215) 947-4086.


Bryn Athyn College

Find calendars of Bryn Athyn College events here.


Bryn Athyn Church

Check the homepage, call (215) 947-6225, or email


C & S Club (Bryn Athyn Civic and Social Club)

Check their Facebook page.


Cairnwood Estate

Go to, call (215) 947-2004, or email


Cairnwood Village

Call (215) 947-7705, email, or go to


Glencairn Museum

Go to, call (267) 502-2600, or email


Junge Pavilion / Ice Rink

Go to their page on the Bryn Athyn College website or visit their Facebook page.


Mitchell Performing Arts Center

Go to, call (267) 502-2793, or see their complete rehearsal calendar.


NewChurch Live

Go to or call (215) 947-2166.



These events come from a variety of places. Click on the title for the individual event to learn more. To find out more about Bryn Athyn Boy Scout Troop 97 events go to