Want to be more intentional in the way you approach being a dad? Want to have the chance to get to know some other dads? Want to be exposed to different ideas about parenthood and have the chance to discuss them? How do you make all these things happen in one magical place? Dads Group.
I want this for myself and I think it might benefit you too.
When is the Next Group and What's the Topic?
See Upcoming Dates & Locations below and click on an individual event for a longer description of the topic for that date (if available).
Also, sign up to receive emails and/or text about Dads Group to get more information and reminders delivered directly to you.
Who's leading this group?
I'm Malcolm Smith. I’m currently serving as Assistant Pastor of Bryn Athyn Church. I’m a dad of four kids, ages 8-14. I served for 11 years at a New Church church and elementary school in South Africa and, during that time, really enjoyed and benefitted from participating in and running various programs on parenting. We got Dads Group going here in Bryn Athyn in 2023 and I'm excited to keep going with it. Email me at malcolm.smith@brynathynchurch.org.
Who is this for?
Dads—new dads still trying to figure out how to change a diaper, dads of teenagers, grandads trying to figure out how to be a positive role in the lives of their grandchildren and grown-up children, and even not-yet-dads who’d like to come.
We will be approaching the topic of parenting from a religious perspective—particularly a New Church Christian perspective. Any dad is invited to participate, as long as you are not antagonistic to that perspective.
This will be in a discussion group format. We will have brief check-ins at the beginning, as a way to start to get to know each other’s names. I will spend some time each meeting going through some concepts and/or passages to get the conversation and discussion going but I will be there as a facilitator not as an expert.
This is not a sharing group but sharing of personal experiences will be welcome for those that would like to. We will end each time with giving each person a chance to share a closing thought and then we will pray together.
We will stick to an hour and a half for the more formal group time with more time afterwards to talk and hang out informally for those that want to stick around.
I'm hoping that we can get into a bunch of different topics in Dads Group. We might read and discuss some secular books on parenting; we might do some Bible study; we might watch some videos on parenting and discuss what comes up in them; we might have some guest speakers on different topics. Past topics include setting boundaries, what content we expose our kids to, how to have fun with your kids, storytelling, and learning how to be a better father from our Heavenly Father.
Let me know what topics would be most useful to you.
We'll have some basic snacks and drinks. I might try to get a roster going to have people take turns bringing something.
Upcoming Dates & Locations
Each month there will be a new topic and 2 possible times to meet: a Wednesday morning, 6:45-8:15am, at the Bryn Athyn Scout Building and a Thursday evening, 7:30-9pm, in the Church Office Board Room. Let me know if none of these work for you.
- There are no upcoming events.
What do I need from you?
- Come try it out.
- Sign up to bring food.
- Suggest topics.
- Invite other people who might benefit from being part of this group. Send people the link to this page - brynathynchurch.org/dads