What is Easy for One is Difficult for Another


The question of fairness often crosses our paths. At times it seems like the world is a pretty unfair place. The examples are everywhere. People are born with distinct physical and mental features that give them advantages and disadvantages in navigating through their natural lives. And on the nurture side of the equation, a caring, well-devised education appears to provide enormous benefits to those who are fortunate enough to have them. Here is a personal example on the effects of environment and education:

Growing up in Canada and its hockey culture made it possible for me to enjoy some success on the ice as a goal scorer. And on the other hand, when I came down from the north to ANC for grade 11, I discovered two things very quickly. The local boys were in fantastically better physical condition than I was and far more physically coordinated. This was due to the PE Department’s emphasis on running “circuit” and learning gymnastics. It was embarrassing. When it came to gymnastics, I became the object of acute teasing when I could not so much as do a proper somersault in front of my peers.

So we/I ask regularly why does life seem so unfair? Couldn’t the Lord have made a better plan for His creation? Although I have reached a comfortable view in my own mind on this question, I have sincere and wise friends who still struggle a lot with this.

There are deep theological and scientific questions on the subject of nature versus nurture. It calls upon us to consider what is real and what appears to be real. Do we acknowledge that there is a mental and spiritual component to these issues? What are the cause/effect linkages that must be considered? And so on, and so on...

So I ask you, if you ponder about the fairness question, be good enough to yourself to give the Lord’s ideas due consideration. In the pages of Scripture and the Heavenly Doctrine are enfolded the secrets which can unlock many conundrums and address some pretty anxious mental states.

For me, I like to step into these questions acknowledging that no one has answered them to everyone’s satisfaction and certainly not to my satisfaction. That is to say, except for the stream of ideas and affections that pour forth from Divine Revelation.

Where it says “What is easy for one is difficult for another” in True Christian Religion, the point is being made that things get easier when we make a habit of them, when we do them often and with set purpose. Persistence in asking difficult questions is not a fault. Searching for the Source for true reliable meaning takes effort. Regular and sincere consultation with universal truths can bring some degree of both enlightenment and solace in place of disquietude.