The Use of Social Gatherings

This Friday we’ll have a chance to eat together, talk together, sing together, and learn together at the Community Supper. Then on Saturday, we’ll have another chance to get together at the Elphick's' garden party. Social gatherings like these serve important uses in the life of a society. True Christian Religion describes the role that shared meals and social gatherings played in the life of the early Christian church:

“Dinners and suppers were institutions among the Christians of the early Church. They were called by them feasts, and were held that they might meet together in cordial joy and friendly union.… At the table they conversed on various subjects, domestic and civil, but especially on such as concerned the Church; and as these were feasts of charity their conversation, no matter on what subject, was infused with the joy and gladness of charity. The spiritual sphere which prevailed on these occasions was one of love to the Lord and love towards the neighbor. This cheered their mind, softened the tone of their speech, and spread among them a general feeling of cordiality.

…Social gatherings were held in the early Church among those calling themselves brethren in Christ. These were meetings of charity, because there was a spiritual brotherhood. These gatherings served further to give consolation in the adversities of the Church, to express joy for its increase, and also as a recreation of mind after study and labor, and an opportunity for conversation on various subjects; and because all these flowed from spiritual love as from a fountain, they were rational and moral from their spiritual origin.” (TCR 433-434)

Even in heaven, there are festive gatherings and celebrations, and conversations in beautiful gardens. These things are not the most important parts of heavenly life - that central role is filled by useful service inspired by love - but when a person is engaged in useful service, these gatherings and feasts refresh people and provide joy. Here is how an angel explains the role of feasts in heaven to some newcomers to the spiritual world:

"In heaven they have food and drink just as in the world, also dinner parties and festive meals. And in the homes of the leading citizens there they have tables set with rich, choice and exquisite foods, which enliven and refresh their spirits. They also have exhibitions and shows, and instrumental and vocal musical performances, all in the highest perfection. Such things, too, they regard as joys, but not as happiness. Happiness must be in the joys in order to come from the joys. Happiness in the joys causes the joys to be joys. It enriches them and sustains them so that they do not become common and loathsome. This happiness everyone has from being useful in his function.” (CL 6)