Life is a Camping Trip

This past weekend, my wife and I went camping at Promised Land State Park. Although it was just a couple of nights, there was a bit that went into it. First of all, we had to find time in the schedule and book the campground. Then we got our camping list and started checking things off as we got them ready. After a lot of preparation, we hit the road, and then, a couple hours later, we were at the campground.

It came to me that so much of our spiritual journey requires a lot of very similar steps.

  1. Find time in your schedule and make a reservation. In our busy daily natural lives, it can be a struggle to find space for “another thing.” It really does help to make some physical time/space for beginning a spiritual life. Start simple: Five minutes a day to read a couple of verses or say a prayer. If you don’t make the time for the journey, the journey won’t happen. Put that time at a convenient place in your schedule.
  2. Preparing for the journey. Do you know where you are going? Do you have the tools you need? Now that you have carved out some time, you need a game plan. Do you have a space to read or pray? Do you have a spiritual book that you actually enjoy reading? Do you have a goal in mind for this journey?
  3. Hit the road. This is pivotal. If you don’t go out the door, you’ll never get there. No matter how many reservations you make, or tools you prepare … if you don’t do it, it won’t get done.
  4. Arrival. The work doesn’t stop when you get there. We had to set up camp, watch out for bears, make messes and clean them up. It’s very much like regular life (minus the bears), but more fun.

I wish you an exciting and fruitful journey on your path toward the Lord.