Family Service

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Bryn Athyn Cathedral Livestream

Use the window below to watch our live services. At the bottom-right of the window, click the full-screen-icon icon to view full-screen. Previous Cathedral Family Services can be viewed on Boxcast.

December 22, 2024 - Rev. Derek P. Elphick
"Open Your Treasure"

The Lord encourages us to lay up treasures in heaven (Matthew 6:20) but it’s also a good practice to “open” our treasures so that they can be seen and shared with others. The wise men did this when presenting their gifts to the young Child. It says, “and when they had opened their treasures, they presented gifts to Him…” (Matthew 2:10). Why didn’t the wise men let Jesus’ parents open the gifts? Why did they open them first?

December 22, 2024 - Lessons & Carols at Bryn Athyn Cathedral, 7:30 pm

Click to live stream the Lessons & Carols service.

Hearing Aid Induction Loop and Assisted Listening System

If you attend worship services in person in the Cathedral nave and you have a hearing aid with an induction loop program, you can now get the minister’s mic sent directly into your hearing aid by switching it to the induction loop program. This program is usually but not always labelled ‘T’ for Telecoil. This system has been in place for a long time but, recently, Levi McFall has been working on improving it. He would love to get a list of people who use the loop so that he can get feedback on how to make it work best for them. If you need help understanding how to use the loop or if you are willing to give feedback about how the induction loop is working for you, please email Levi (

It is also worth noting that there is a second, radio-based assisted listening system in the nave which works regardless of whether you have a hearing aid or not. This also sends the complete audio for the service rather than only the mister’s mic. To use this system, just ask for a receiver at the front desk. It will come with a little speaker that rests on your ear like headphones.

Technical assistance during a service

If you are having trouble accessing the live services through this page, please access directly through the Boxcast website:

Our worship services are also available on Roku, Apple TV, and Amazon Fire TV. To access services on these devices, please download the Boxcast App and search for Bryn Athyn.

For immediate technical assistance during a service, call the Front Desk at 215-947-0266 x4600.
For other technical questions or comments, send an email to (