Community Worship Services

An opportunity for the whole community to come together once a month to worship the Lord.

The Next Service is this Sunday, June 30, 2024, 10:00 am at the Bryn Athyn Cathedral

Sermon- Rev. Derek P. Elphick - “As It Is in Heaven”

This Community Worship service will be the culminating event for the 2024 General Church Assembly. Registrants and non-registrants (that is, residents of the Bryn Athyn community) are all warmly invited to attend. Even though the attendance will be quite large, we will still follow the same format with a brief talk for the children, after which the children will leave for an organized activity connected to the theme of the Assembly, with the adults/parents staying for an adult talk. We will be focusing on the phrase in the Lord’s prayer: “… as in heaven, so upon the earth…” and what this sacred promise means to us as a worldwide church organization as we say our goodbyes and go back out into the world.

NOTE: There will be no other worship services on this date.


The last prelude will be sung by the Assembly Chorus with percussion, the song "Baba Yetu", which is the Lord's Prayer in Swahili. The Cathedral Brass will play several pieces throughout the service both preludes from the back balcony and postludes from the front. With the Assembly happening, we're delighted to involve some guest musicians from out of town


There will be no Informal, Young Children's or Adult Service on this date. Refreshments will be served following the service. Children's activities will take place during the adult portion of the service. Children 5 and under must be accompanied by an adult.

Zoom Discussion

Please join us on Zoom for an online small-group discussion of this Sunday’s Community Worship Service. This discussion is hosted by the team that regularly meets on Sundays to discuss the Informal Family Service. Feel free to join this meeting at any time between 11:30 and 12:30 on Sunday. All are welcome.
Join the meeting or use meeting ID: 88119217055.

Upcoming Community Worship Service Dates

We are not offering Community Worship services in April or June because we will already be gathering as a whole congregation in that month for Easter and New Church Day. Also, the Community Worship Services will be on summer break in July and August.

Check out the Community Calendar for more on upcoming services and events.

How to Get Involved

This service will have many opportunities to get involved in helping to make it a rich community worship experience. Here are some of the areas we will need help with:

  • Greeters – helping people find what they are looking for
  • Refreshment contributions, set-up and clean-up
  • Supervisors and assistants for children’s’ activity “stations” – mixed ages
  • Art/craft projects leadership, set-up and clean-up
  • Discussion leaders
  • Families to help with chancel set-up, ushering, etc.

Please contact Nina at or 215-947-6225 ext.206 to learn more and describe where you would most like to volunteer.

We look forward to how this new church service will blossom into worship that will serve many people together.