Words for Thanksgiving

This week I’d like to talk about just a few of the words that are used to express gratitude, thanks, and appreciation in the English language and in the books of our church.

First, we have thankful and grateful. I like this pairing of words because they relate to the faculties of the understanding and will in our minds. Thankful actually derives from think – so, you can think of it as being full of good thoughts toward someone. Grateful, on the other hand derives from the Latin gratus, which is a pleasant feeling – so, you can think of this as being full of good feelings toward someone. Although the English language doesn’t actually distinguish between these two words, this is how I would differentiate the two: when I remember someone for what they have done, or I rationally know that somebody should be acknowledged for a favor, I think of this as thankful; and when I have a deep pleasant emotional feeling resulting from someone’s loving kindness, I think of this as grateful – but that’s just my take on the words.

In the Hebrew of the Old Testament, the word yadah is usually translated into English as thanks or praise. Other Hebrew words that stem from yadah are hodhu and todah. When we say “O give thanks” before a meal, the word yadah is present. Yadah is not just a word of feeling, but a word of action – the hands are lifted or thrown into the air in praise. Think of that next time you bow your head solemnly to say grace.

In the Greek of the New Testament, the word for the expression of gratitude is eucharistia. The two parts of this word are eu, meaning good, and charistia, meaning favor, grace, or kindness. So, eucharistia means “to express or show good favor or kindness to someone.”

In the Latin of the Writings, thankfulness is typically rendered with the words confessio or gratias agere. Confessio means to confess, or declare, or acknowledge God and is typically the Latin word that is used when translating the Hebrew word yadah. Gratias agere means to do or express pleasantness to another.

Whatever words you use to express thanks and gratitude this season, I pray that you have a delightful Thanksgiving.